Legal terms & Conditions  

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Order conditions

The selling contract between the customer and All4silver, happens through the customer action on our online shop when confirming his order. The contract concerns only the customer and seller:

All4silver SK s.r.o., Hodžova 2145/22, 921 01 Piešťany
IČ DPH:SK2120573774, IČO: 51032601, DIČ: 2120573774
IBAN:SK16 75000000 0040 2491 6206 SWIFT:CEKOSKBX
All4silver is a limited company officially registered at the district court of Trnava under the registration number 40577/T.
Our minimum order is 99€. Every order over 399€ will benefit of a Free Shipping provided by GLS.
As B2B online jewelry wholesaler we offer different levels of discount according to the total amount (excl. VAT).

999€ - 10% discount
1999€ - 15% discount
2999€ - 17% discount
4999€ - 20% discount

Note that the discount applies based on the sub-total amount (without VAT).

If you wish to pay the due VAT in your own country, you will need to add your valid company number in your account. All4silver reserves the right to charge later the due VAT of 20% in case the provided company number is not valid.

Conditions of Use

This website is owned by All4silver s.r.o., suppliers of 925 Sterling silver jewellery, by continuing to use this website you are accepting these terms and conditions. To buy goods online on our website, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and agree to the delivery, shipping and returns terms given on this website.

Order Notes

Once you have placed your order, confirmation will be sent to you via email complete with transaction and order reference. All4silver monitor prices on a daily basis. All prices are available only after registration and do not include VAT.

Trade & Copyright Information

All material on this website including text, data, graphics, logos, button icons, images, digital downloads, trademark and other intellectual property rights, are owned by All4silver and are protected by Slovak copyright law. You may not copy any of the aforementioned items without prior consent from All4silver.

Warranty Disclaimer

All4silver makes every effort to ensure that this website is free from any type of virus, worm, timebomb, cancelbot, trojan horse or other harmful component. However All4silver cannot guarantee that this website is free from any of the above, and you should always take your own necessary precautions in this respect. You shall not use this website in any way that will damage or interfere with the service provided by

Website Terms of Use

We reserve the right to not accept, or cancel, any orders without prior warning. Do not use this website if you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this website. reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this website at any time. Any change to the terms and conditions of this website will include the date of the change, found at the bottom of the page. All4silver reserves the right to alter prices on this website without prior notice. It is your responsibility to make sure you read the terms and conditions before making any purchases. Where the terms and conditions refer to "Working days", this means Monday to Friday inclusive and does not include Saturdays, Sundays or Slovak public holidays. Where the terms and conditions refer to "you", this means the customer. Where the terms and conditions refer to "we" or "our", this means All4silver.

Returns Policy

In accordance with the EU Distance Selling Directive, you are entitled to cancel your order at anytime within 14 days of receiving your goods. The cancellation period ends on the expiry of the period of  14 days beginning with the day after the day on which you received the goods. If you wish to cancel an order under these terms, first contact All4silver and then return your products unused within 14 days of receiving your parcel.

When selecting the payment term “Cash-on-delivery” and you didn’t cancel the order within 7 days after placing it, you commit to accept this order and pay on delivery. In case of unsuccessful delivery/cash-payment, you will be constrained to pay to All4silver the Cash-on-delivery fees as well as the shipping cost. All4silver reserves the right to prosecute in case these terms are not respected, block your account and/or refuse any further orders.

We aim to provide you with the highest quality products, but if you discover a fault with any of our products you have to inform us with picture of the defect item within 7 days after receiving your order.

All4silver is only working with legal entity. By agreeing to our policy you confirm that you are over 16 years old.
n the case of delivery of the ordered goods, the buyer is obliged to inspect them to check whether there are any damages caused by transport. If the consignment is damaged, the buyer is obliged not to accept it and to make a record of the damage with the carrier. The Buyer is obliged to inform the Seller about this.- After receiving the shipment and unpacking it, the Buyer is obliged to inspect the goods, and the Buyer is obliged to notify the Seller of any defects in the shipment no later than the next day after receipt.- If a claimable defect arises in the shipment, the Buyer may file a claim in writing or by e-mail. Written notifications of defects should be sent to All4silver SK s.r.o., Hodžova 2145/22, 921 01 Piešt'any or by e-mail After notification of the complaint, we will contact you and inform you about the further procedure and the way of sending the goods, by phone from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. at 0911 441 440 - For successful resolution of the complaint, a tax receipt is required - Complaints will be resolved by repairing the goods, refunding the money, or replacing the goods - The warranty covers all material and manufacturing defects of the goods. The Seller does not accept liability for damage caused by unprofessional use, nor for damage caused by faulty handling, care and the consequences of such damage.

Fees that are not included in the price

In case you are located outside the EU (in a so-called third country), we would like to inform you and point out that you are solely responsible for the payment of any taxes, duties and customs fees or other governmental levies or any fees that may be imposed on your order according to the applicable laws and regulations in that country. Therefore, we would also ask you, in your own interest, to check with the relevant customs and tax authorities before ordering.

If the package is dispatched and you do not accept it, you will be charged the mentioned fees above for the entire process of returning the package to us at All4Silver SK. The fees will be deducted from the total amount. The refund will take place only after we have received the package and after we’ve properly inspected the entire content. This process can take up to 30 days.

You have 5 working days from placing your order to cancel your order free of charge.